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Prayer Alert:  Please lift up Iran and Iranians in your prayers
Please pray for the Iranian Leaders - for Wisdom and an encopunter with Jesus
Please pray for the safety of those arrested and for families of those killed

A Documentary for Joseph Film Producton on Freedom of Religion in Iran

A Cry From Iran - فريادى از ايران - A Documentary On The Untold Story Of Religious Persecution In Iran

The Best Iranian Documentary of This Decade, Winner of 10 Awards, A Must See for All Iranians and Farsi Speaking People of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Tajikistan, Iraq and Middle East, Rent from NetFlix This Iranian Documentary, A Cry From Iran Will Be Available from NetFlix Soon, Add it to your Que, Please Add the 10 Award Winnier Documentary A Cry From Iran To Your NetFlix Que

Directors Joseph and Andre Hovsepian tell the story of their father, Superintendent Haik Hovsepian, and several other Christian converts from Islam. These converts became the victims of their beliefs and paid the ultimate price . their lives... This is the untold story of their sacrifices, courage, commitment and faith.
Video Previews - Film Promotion Clip ... Film Trailer ... Film Trailer in Farsi
A Documentary Film on the life of Superintendent Haik Hovsepian, and several other Christian converts from Islam.  These converts became the victims of their beliefs and paid the ultimate price
Video Previews
Film Promotion Clip ... Film Trailer ... Film Trailer in Farsi
Directors: Joseph Hovsepian, Andre Hovsepian
Producer: Joseph Hovsepian
Writer: Mark Bradley
Production Manager:Adrina Dergalestian
Hair and Make up:Armineh Carapetian, Madlen Ghookasian
Editor:Andre Hovsepian
Avid On-line Editor: Joseph Hovsepian
Music: Gilbert Hovsepian
Narrator: Don Ranson
Research: Vahik Avasapian, Rebecca Hovsepian
Translators: Arman Roshdi, Tom Dervartanian, Rebecca Hovsepian, Vahik Avasapian

Go To JFA: => [ Main Page | A Cry From Iran | The Tune of Nostalgia | MarzeShab | Music4 | Persian Songs of Worship ] ... Gilbert Hovsepian

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Fro additional info contact: info@josephfilms.com
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