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The Good News for Iranians:

Farsi (Persian) Bible to read online or Print for FREE

Are you ready for some good news? If so, consider the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In fact, the literal translation of the gospel is good news. And why good news for Iranians? The Bible says about itself that, "it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes." May I invite you to take a few minutes, print this page and read it? It can change your life for eternity.


The Bible records that Naaman had what many people today imagine would give them complete satisfaction. He held a high position as the commander-in-chief of the Syrian army. He was a great man; he had authority, popularity and great influence. His was honorable, cultured, refined, gracious, a gentleman. He was victorious and fearless in war. But a leper. That spoiled it all. He was considered incurable.


The Syrians had taken captive a young girl from Israel who had been given to Naaman’s wife as a maid. She had faith in the true God. The God of redemption, deliverance, provision and protection. One day the little girl said to Naaman’s wife, "if only my master would see the prophet in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy."


Naaman went to the king with lots of silver and gold. He went to the wrong person and with wrong means; silver and gold; just like a sinner with his own righteousness, good works, resolutions, etc.


Prophet Elisha sent a messenger out to tell Naaman to go and wash in the Jordan River seven times and he would be healed. But Naaman went away angry and said, "I thought at least he would come out and talk to me! I thought he would wave his hand over the leprosy and call upon the name of his God, and heal me! Are not Abana River and Pharpar River of Damascus better than all the rivers of Israel? Couldn’t I wash in them and be cleansed?" So he went away in a rage. He had the wrong idea; he wrote his own prescription; "I thought". How many today expect God to act according to their thoughts, instead of God’s own way?


Naaman lost his temper. It hurt his pride. He was willing to spend his silver and gold, but not give up his national pride and heritage. How many today want God to help them, but only if they could go to their own "rivers"?

But his officers tried to reason with him and said, "If the prophet had told you to do some great thing, wouldn’t you have done it? So you should certainly obey him when he says simply to go and wash and be cured!" So he went and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, as the man of God had told him, and his flesh became as healthy as a little child’s, and he was healed." While Naaman received a glorious healing from God, he could have lost this long yearned precious healing. He could have missed God’s blessing by sticking to his national pride. After all, he had much to explain when he returned home. Everyone notices a leper who is healed. Just like everyone can tell a person whom Jesus heals.



Friend, I don’t know what your specific need is today. And, without sounding insensitive to you, I don’t have to know the difficulties you are facing. I know a savior with whom all things are possible; He knows your heartache and sorrow. He is a friend closer than a brother. And His name is Jesus. The Bible says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. And here is how to measure it-the greatest love is shown when a person lays down his life for his friends." Did you know you have a Friend who died for you? Jesus said, "I came to seek and to save that which is lost."


His invitation is, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Is there trouble in your life? Why not tell it to Jesus? Why not do what Naaman did? Go beyond your prejudices, national and religious pride. Is peace in your heart important for you?


When I read the Bible for the first time, I discovered many people, who burdened by the difficulties of life, went to Jesus for help. He said, "Whoever comes to me, I will never drive away." I invite you to read about your best Friend who died for you. He will reveal Himself, lift your burden and make you new. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. _ _


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   Farsi (Persian) Bible - PDF format to read online or print for FREE

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