Merry Christmas to all Iranians all over the world Eide Milade Masih Mobarak, Christmas Tabrik to all Iranians
God  IS  Love ... خداوند محبّت است

Previous Persian / Farsi Children Stories, Songs, Rhymes & Games Next
Golden Chick , The Little Golden Chick Falling to Sleep with Persian Children Potery

Jujeh Talayee - Golden Chick Sleeping - Children Poetry

A Persian children story about having a full day of games and play time and then getting ready for bed and a good night of sleep listening to the soothing poetic story of a sleeping Golden Chick.

Barreh Naaz - The Little Cute and Lovely Lamb a Persian Children Story for Farsi Speaking Iranian Afghan Tajil Children

Barreh Naaz - The Cute Lovely Little Lamb

Persian children story about having a full day of games and play time and then getting ready for bed and a good night of sleep listening to the soothing poetic story of a sleeping Golden Chick.

Morvarid - Pearl, The Little Girl who is being told to hide behind veil for her own good

Morvarid - Pearl, the little girl behind the Veil

A children story on the merits of why little girls should hide behind the Veil, a ritual girls in the middle east go thru in early age so to be trained for adulthood. Morvaid (Pearl) is being trained to get used to wearing Veil at an early age.

Hassani - Oh what a good boy

Hassani - The Good and Loving Boy by Jila Ahmadi

An interesting sing-along Persian Children story which teaches Children value of helping around the house and being nice to others and be willing to forgive and forget those kids who come around.
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The Wedding of Khaleh Sooskeh and Agha Moosheh

The Wedding of Khaleh Sooskeh and Agha Moosheh By Ehterami

A famous traditional Persian story in Farsi for Children. In addition to the interesting story, this book introduces a variety of traditional costumes, slangs, architecture and food.
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Atal Matal - A collection of Traditional Persian Children Stories and Games

Atal Matal Tutuleh, Goveh Hasan Chee Joureh? by Azam Mehmani Zadeh

A collection of Traditional Farsi Stories, Children Songs, Games and Rhymes in Farsi. These stories and songs are very entertaining and yet educational - both the Persian Language and the culture.
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Farsi Alphabet for Children
Illustrated Farsi Alphabet with Sing Along Songs for Children

Teach Children Farsi Alphabet and Nubers with House Building Pads

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