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    FarsiEats: Worldwide Directory of Persian/Iranian Restaurants

    Persian & Iranian Recipes

    Kookoo Sabzii (Herbs Souffle - Herbs & Vegetable Souffle)

    (Serves 3 to 6)

    • 8 eggs.
    • 1 tea spoon white flour.
    • 1 table spoon red currants (zershk).
    • 1/3 cup (2-3 Oz.) finely chopped walnuts (gerdoo).
    • 1 tea spoon salt.
    • 1/4 tea spoon black pepper.
    • 1/4 cup (2 Oz.) cooking oil or butter.
    • 1/2 cup (4 Oz.) finely chopped fresh chives/scallion stems (tarreh/piAzcheh).
    • 2 cups (16 Oz.) finely chopped fresh parsely (jafaree).
    • 1/2 cup (4 Oz.) fresh coriander (gheshneez) or 2 table spoon dried ones.
    • 1/4 cup (2 Oz.) fresh or dried dill weed (sheveed).
    • 1/2 table spoon dried fenugreek (shanbelileh).

    Soak the currants in cold water for 15 minutes before cooking. Drain before adding them in.

    In a bowl add the eggs, 1/2 of the cooking oil and all other ingredients, with the exception of fresh and dried vegetables. Beat it with a fork until the ingredients have been mixed well.

    Add the vegetables, and stir the mixture until the vegetables have blended in (do not beat it any longer due to the delicate nature of fresh vegetables).

    Put the oven setting to bake at 250 degrees (F). Pour the remainder of the cooking oil in an oven safe dish. Pour the vegetable mixture in the dish. Bake at this setting for about 40-45 minutes. You may cover the dish with aluminum foil at the beginning to prevent over-drying of the top crust. Remove the foil half way during the baking process.

    Cut in square pieces before serving.

    • Chives, sometimes called garlic chives are the same as "tarreh". If you can't find fresh chives, you can use the stems of either scallions (piAzcheh) which are also called green onions, or Leek which is the same as "tarreh farangi". In either case you do not have to use the bulbs but you can.

    Courtesy of: Soheila Amiri

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