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    Persian & Iranian Recipes

    Baghali Polow (Lima Bean with Dill Rice - Baghali Shevid Polow)

    (Serves 6 to 8 )

    The following recipes are from "Secrets of Cooking" by Linda Chirinian (ISBN 0-9617033-0-X Lionhart Inc. New Canaan, CT).

    This exotic Iranian dish can be served with plain yogurt spooned over the rice, or with roast chicken, barbecued larnb chops, or steak. A straight-sided, non-stick, saucepan is the best kind of pot to use for this recipe.


    • PREPARATION TIME: 20 MINUTES (plus soaking for rice)

    • 1 recipe Steamed Rice
    • 1 package (10 ounce) frozen baby lima beans, thawed
    • 14 tablespoons butter
    • 3 cups freshly chopped dill
    • 3 medium potatoes, cut into 1/inch slices (optional)
    • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon threads crushed and steeped in 2
    • tablespoons hot water
    • Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
      • Prepare Steamed Rice . Melt 4 tablespoons butter in a non-stick 6-quart saucepan. Arrange potato slices in single layer in saucepan.
      • Spread one-third of prepared rice over potatoes. Salt and pepper. Cover with half of lima beans, and half of dill. Cover with half of remaining rice and remainder of lima beans and dill. Top with remaining rice. Keep ingredients mounded high in center so steam can circulate. Sprinkle 4 cup water over rice. Slice remaining butter, place over rice. Cover rice with waxed paper. Wrap cover of pot in kitchen towel and place over saucepan to keep steam inside.
      • Cook over medium-high heat 8 minutes, reduce heat to low, and cook 35 minutes or until rice is soft and fluffy.
      • Set 1 cup rice aside. Mound remaining rice on serving dish. Remove potatoes from saucepan with spatula and place around rice or in separate dish. Sprinkle reserved cup of rice with saffron and mix well. Spread saffron rice on top of plain rice. Season with salt and pepper.
    • VARIATION: When layering rice, add 1 large onion, chopped and sauted in butter, 6 broiled lamb chops or 2 pounds cooked boneless lamb shoulder cubes, or 6 cooked chicken cutlets. Increase cooking time by 15 minutes.

    Happy Sizdeh'Bedar - Last day of NowRuz Festivities

    A Persian Book by Fariborz Nikooravesh - Apostle John's Love Letters

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