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Worldwide Directory of Persian/Iranian Restaurants
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    Worldwide Directory of Persian Restaurants, List of Iranian Restaurants, Persian Cuisine Directory, Persian Recipes, Iranian Cuisine recipes

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    Persian Recipes, Iranian recipes, Persian Cuisine, Iranian Cuisine, Worldwide Directory of Persian and Iranian Restaurants
    رستوران ايرانى ... غذاى ايرانى ... فارسى ايتز.كام


    Mirage (Miraas)

    Praised by Major Atlanta Publications and food critiques.
    Atlanta's Most Memorable Meal Award - 2001
    Home of Authentic Middle Eastern Cuisine & a Place for Private Parties & Catering.
    In addition to an extensive menu, Mirage also offers catering

    6631-B Roswell Rd., In Sandy Springs (In Abernathy Square Shopping Center)
    Intersection of Roswell & Abermathy, next to Publix Supermarket
    Open Sundays - Thursdays 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM & Fridays & Saturdays 11:00 AM - 11:00 PM
    Persian Cusine Restaurant phone number in Atlanta, Georgia(404) 843-8300

    I highly recommend this restaurant. Their food is great and their service is fantastic. I took two of my American friends there (Well, actually thy took me to Mirage!) and they loved it. Mirage cook is very flexible and cooked us what we wanted. We mixed (half and Half) couple of Appetisers and later deserts - I also asked them to bring us a large plate of Saffron rice rather than individual servings, similar to how it is served in private parties and they said no problem. Food & service was awesome. - A. H.


    Cusine of Persian Empire
    One of Atlanta's BEST Restaurants

    6435-B Roswell Rd.
    Atlanta, Georgia
    Open: Sunday - Thursday 11:30 AM - 10:00 PM, Friday - Saturday 11:30 AM - 11:00 PM
    Royal Persian Buffet: Mon-Fri 11:30 AM - 3:00 PM

    Persian Cusine Restaurant phone number in Atlanta, Georgia (404) 257-9090

    Persepolis is my favorite Persian restaurant in Atlanta. I love their menu and the food has the traditional Persian taste. Their Stews are GREAT. The Chelo-Kabob is very tasty and the Kabob is well marinated and cooked to perfection. A very nice restaurant with an elegant fire place. And top it all with a great service. A. H.

    Shamshiri Persian Cusine Catering

    Authentic Middle Eastern Cuisine Catering for private parties, weddings,...
    Minimum of 30 people per order

    Persian Cusine Restaurant phone number in Atlanta, Georgia (404) 851-9566, (404) 822-0994

    Falafel Restaurant

    950 Cobb Pkway, Suite 100
    Marietta, GA 30062
    Open: Tuesdays - Sundays 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM (Closed on Mondays)

    An extensive Persian menu with traditional cuisine such as Cholo Kabob, Soltani, a variety of stews,...
    Falafel also offers Catering for your private parties & gatherings

    Persian Cusine Restaurant phone number in Atlanta, Georgia (770) 429-8999

    Shahnameh, Epic of the Persian Kings by Ferdowsi the Grreat Persian (Iranian) Poet of 9th Centuary from Toos Khorasan near present Mashhad in Northeast Iran
    God  IS  Love ... خداوند محبّت است

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