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    Persian Recipes, Iranian recipes, Persian Cuisine, Iranian Cuisine, Worldwide Directory of Persian and Iranian Restaurants
    رستوران ايرانى ... غذاى ايرانى ... فارسى ايتز.كام


    Tehran Restaurant

    5065 de Maisonneuve Blvd.
    Montreal, Canada

    Phone Number for Iranian Restaurant in Montreal Canada(514) 488-0400

    Tehran is a small neighbourhood restaurant (so don't expect a great decor). The choices are quite limited, all between $7.00 and $10.00 taxes included. Don't worry if you don't know what to get, the waiter is going to describe the dishes and make suggestions (or make a decision for you whether you like it or not.. I liked it). They serve a large fresh onion and pita bread as appetizer and the dishes come with an opening salad (ordinary iceberg lettuce). Then comes the main dishes, I "chose" an excellent marinated beef brochette served with basmati rice and a grilled tomato. There's also a chicken dish in tomato sauce also served with rice and something called red pearls (the waiter described it as a sweet and sour berry/grape that can only be found in Iran), very good. The servings are large so no desserts were necessary but fresh tea is included in the price (if the waiter asks you if you want tea, better say yes because he won't take no for an answer anyway).

    P.S. They have something called yogurt flavored soda (!) that wasn't recommended for "non-persians", but still the idea is intriguing. - Laura Julie P.

    Quartier Perse

    4241 Decarie
    Montreal, Canada

    Phone Number for Iranian Restaurant in Montreal Canada(514) 488-6367

    Byblos Le Petit Cafe

    1499 Laurier E.
    Montreal, Canada

    Phone Number for Iranian Restaurant in Montreal Canada(514) 523-9396

    Maison De Kebab

    820 Atwater
    Montreal, Canada

    Phone Number for Iranian Restaurant in Montreal Canada(514) 933-0933


    Shomal (North) Restaurant

    100 Steeles Ave. W., Unit 27
    Thornhill, Toronto/New York
    Ontario, Canada

    Phone Number for Iranian Restaurant in Toronto Canada(905) 881-7704 Fax Number for Iranian Restaurant in Toronto Canada(905) 881-0925

    At North(Shomal) Restaurant Experience the taste of classical Persian cuisine, authentic with fine dining defined by the taste of North. Feel the warmth of Iranian hospitality at North Restaurant.


    6087 Yonge St.
    Toronto, Canada

    Phone Number for Iranian Restaurant in Toronto Canada, Persian Restaurant in Toronto(416) 226-9028


    160 Baldwin St.
    Toronto, Canada

    Phone Number for Iranian Restaurant in Toronto Canada, Persian Restaurant in Toronto(416) 597-8296



    2168 Marine Drive
    West Vancouver

    Phone Number for Iranian Restaurant in Vancouver Canada, Persian Restaurant in Vancouver Canada(604) 925-6066

    Persepolis Restaurant

    112 13th St. West
    North Vancouver

    Phone Number for Iranian Restaurant in Vancouver Canada, Persian Restaurant in Vancouver Canada(604) 990-0001


    710 Helmcken St.

    Phone Number for Iranian Restaurant in Vancouver Canada, Persian Restaurant in Vancouver Canada(604) 689-1980


    1326 Davie St.

    Phone Number for Iranian Restaurant in Vancouver Canada, Persian Restaurant in Vancouver Canada(604) 689-5999

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    روزه در مسيحيت به چه صورتی است؟
    Man is The Choicemaker. He is by nature and nature's God a creature of Choice - and of Criteria Thus, he is oriented to a Freedom whose roots are in the natural order of the universe.

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