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Faith & Hope Library and Publishing
(A Non-Profit Organization devoted to Promoting and Publishing Persian Christian Literature) |
Tafsir Mokashefeh
( Commentary on Revelation) A New Commentary and Analysis of the Revelation of Jesus Christ Full Old and New Testament in Farsi (Hard Cover),Standard Version- New Edition By faith & Hope Library Publishing First Edition: 2002 Price: $8.00 |
This an outstanding analysis and comentary on the prophetic book of Revelation of Jesus Christ by Rev. David Thomas. A must have for the serious students of Bible. This book written originally in Persian, reviews significance of Symbols, Dates, Numbers and events described in the book of Revelation. |
( Holy Bible In Persian ) The Old Translation The Full Old and New Testament in Farsi (Hard Cover),Standard Version- New Edition By Elam Ministries First Edition: 1996 Second Edition: 1999 Price: $8.00 Large Size |
This is the old translation of the Farsi Bible which is published. This edition has New Typesetting, punctuation marks, section heading, cross reference. |
( Holy Bible In Persian ) The Old Translation The Full Old and New Testament in Farsi (Hard Cover),Standard Version- New Edition By Elam Ministries First Edition: 1996 Second Edition: 1999 Price: $6.00 Small Size |
This is the old translation of the Farsi Bible which is published. This edition has New Typesetting, punctuation marks, section heading, cross reference. |
Moghadas(The Persian Holy Bible) Targomeh Tafsiri The Full Old and New Testament in Farsi (Hard Cover),Farsi Contemporary Bible By International Bible Society IBS94-6000 Price: $8.00 |
This is the Farsi NIV-version of the Holy Bible. This translation is written in contemporary Farsi language, understood by almost all persian/Farsi speaking individuals. The book is published by the International Bible Society in Colorado Springs, Colorado. |
Greatest Sermon Ever Preached (Text in Persian) By: Gordon Lindsey Translated by: Robert Asyrrian Eteranl Life Publications Price: $3.00 |
A brief pamphlet on the sermon of the
mountain. This five chapter book reviewes the well-known "Beatitudes...The
Blessed are ...". Chapter 1: Blessed are Chapter 2: Change of the law of Moses Chapter 3: The act of enemies Chapter 4: The motivations of a desciple of Jesus Chapter 5: The final teachings |
(Treacherous) (Text in Persian) By: Stan Telchin Translated by: Ebi Ghaffari Chosen ( A Division of Book House Co ) ISBN : 0-8007-9068-5 Price: $5.00 |
The story of a Jewish Businessman(Insurance agent), who receives a phone call from his daughter, bringin him news that She has accepted Jesus as her saviour. Story begins with this feeling of treachery that he would spend times to prove his daughter that she has mad the biggest mistake of her life. This story is equipped with jewish treasures and also talks about the history of Messiahnic jews in early christian history. |
Roohani ( Be Mature ) (Text in Persian) By: Dr. Warren Virsbee Translated by: Dr. Ferreidoon Eshagh Light of The World Publications C 1977 by Victor book A Division of SP Publications Inc. Price: $4.00 |
This is a detailed study of the Book of James for all leaders and believers. A good source for bible study. Consists of 13 chapters covering the whole Book of James. |
Raazgahaan ( Devotion Time ) (Text in Persian) By: Richard Vormbrand Voice Of Martyrs (Oklahoma) Copyright 2001 VOM 380 Pages Price: $10.00 |
This a 365-days devotional pages for believers. There is a page per day devotional subject for believers to read and meditate. Each page also refers to one or more of the scripture text. |
Nikoo, Khodaye Amin (Text in Persian) By: Pastor Samuel Khaangoldy Printed By AB Press, California, USA Price: $8.00 |
The Life Story of Pastor Samuel Khaangoldy and how he was able to overcome turbulances and adversities confronted him, including recent loss of his wife. A very moving christian story which can be used as a symbol for strength and hope. Introductions to the book is written by several Iranian Pastors including Pastor Saru Khachikian, Pastor Fereidoon Eshaagh |
sargardaani ta rastegaare (Text in Persian) By: Katie Allen Light of The World Publication 1998 edition Price: $3.00 |
Some of the chapters include: Meaning of sin, Consequences of sin, Meaning of salvation Fundamentals of salvation, Way to submission, power of Jesus in overcoming sin, Victorious living in Jesus |
Mabani-e-Massihiat (Basic
Christianity) (Text in Persian) By: John Stott Translated by: Robert Asseryan Eternal Life Publications Persian First Edition published at: 1996 Price: $5.00 |
This is a key book in Christianity. These are the questions
that have been answered in this book:
Massihi Hastam (Why I am a Christian) (Text in Persian) By: Arnold De Vigel Translated by: Fereidoon Rajaee The Aftabe Edalaat Publications, Tehran Price: $2.00 |
A critic pamphlet on Bertrand Russel's Religious ideaology. This is one of the more controversial books of this author |
Siaahate Massihi (The
Pilgrim's Progress ) (Text in Persian) By: John Banian Translated by: Hessam Mortazavi Elam Publications Britain, 2001 Price: $6.00 |
This is a symbolic biography of an individual who is looking for truth. This seeker of truth leaves the town where he was born and head for an internal life where life still exist. The hero of the story takes on lots of challenges and goes thru turbulances and adversity to reach his final goal, just like a christian. |
What Teenagers Seek?
(Text in Persian) By: David Wilkerson Translated by: T. Mikaeelian Eternal Life Publications Sixth Edition 1991 Price: $4.00 |
A Must-Have for all the youngster who are about to enter the world around them. Biblical principles that keep the teenagers safe and away from corruptions of the society. This book is written by a person who literally lived among gangster and cults in NewYork and has seek their hearts. |
"Jesut Christ"
(Text in Persian) By: Wilhm De Wing Proclama Publications, Amerongen, The Netherland Translated by: The International Student Services, Germany First Edition, 1995 Price: $3.00 |
A Colorful pictorial book of the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Great for presentation of Bibles to non-believers. This is a book that its contents was taken from Holy Bible in several languages, such as: French, Spanish, Turkis, Arabic, Engish and Dutch. |
A Small Bible! (Text in Persian) By: Roy Hession Translated by: Haleh Emami-Pezeshki Bibeln Till Alla Publications 1997 Price: $5.00 |
This is a bible written for children. Easily written for children with colorful pictures. This is written to encourage children to the literature of the Word of God. For those children who do not find the regular Bible easy to understand, this book is a Must. |
Salib ( The Calvary Road ) (Text in Persian) By: Roy Hession Translated by: T. Mikaeelian Elam Publications 1950 Christian Literature Crusade Persian Edition, 1965, 1998 Price: $3.00 |
A rich collection of sermons and messages of some of christian leaders of late 1940s in a revival for the Easter. |
My First Bible In Pictures(Farsi) (Text in Persian) By: Kenneth Taylor Translated by: Saru Khachikian Pictures by: Richard and Francis Hook 1989 Tyndale House Publishers 1996 International Bible Society - Europe Price: $6.00 |
This little size Bible with 125 of the best stories of the Bible along with beautiful colorful pictures allows the children to learn Word Of God the easy way and fun! This can be taken to church by the children as well as to be studied at home throughout the week with parents. |
Dar Jostejoy-e- Haghighat
(In Search Of Truth) (Text in Persian) By: M. H. Finley Translated By: T. Michaelian The Eternal Life Publications Price: $2.00 |
Everything one needs to know about the bible. Chapters consist
of the following subjects:
Ketabe Moghaddas (Text in Persian) A translation of Halley's Bible Handbook By: Henry Halley Translated by: Jessica Babakahaian, Sabrina Badlian, Edward Eisaa Beik, Translation supevised by: Pastor Saru Khachikian ARK Publications, 2000 Price: $8.00 |
This is a MUST reference book for any persian reader. This is one of a kind book which covers the whole Holy Book of Bible. It explains verses and its history and culture and covers all in an easily understandable form. This is the Highest circulated book ever written on Bible. |
Zendegani ( The Way of Life ) (Text in Persian) By: Dr. Fender Almani 200 pages Price: $3.00 |
A detailed discussion of sin and its existance and the way to salvation. It has a solid proof about why there is no other way to salvation except blood of Christ. |
Chist ( What is Christianity ) (Text in Persian) By: Dr. William M. Miller Translated by: Kamal Moshiri With some by: T. Mikaeelian Eternal Life Publications Eight Edition, 2000 Price: $3.00 |
Who is God?. Who is Man? What is sin? and Who is Jesus Christ? This book is a every-day descriptions of fundamentals of Christian Faith. There is not any general subject in Christian faith that is not covered in this book. Also one of the most circulated book there is. |
The Book
of Pslams in Farsi (Text in Persian) Price: $2.00 |
The Farsi translation of the Book of
Psalms(from Old Testament). This is a pocket size of the inspirational
book of Psalms, written in medium-sized fonts for easy reading. Pages: 197pp. |
Life-Giving God (Text in Farsi) By: Homer Doeken Published by: Voice of Injil(Bible) Publications Price: $3.00 |
This book was first published in Tehran in 1966 and then two more prints in 1995 and 1996 through "Light and Hope" monthly journal. The book is a direct hit into the issue of creation. It also reviewes the existance of Satan and the consequences of sin. In later chapters, it explains the necessity of Jesus and the conseqeuences of his crucification and resurrection. |
Talabidan-e-khoda(To seek Lord) (Text in Persian) By: A. W. Towser Translated by: Ramin Bastaami Price: $5.00 |
This book is the result of spiritual challenges and fruits of the author's seek on the nature of God. He was a pastor of a remote church, vaguely known, in south Chicago. After publication of this book, he became well-known in Chritian world and his work left a great impression in Evangelical church in years to come. Book has a preface from Pastor James. L. Snyder on March 1991, around 50 years after the first print of the books went on print. The book shows his personal experiences on getting closer and intimate to God. |
Bahay-E Mohabat(The Costliness of Love) (Text in Persian) By: H. B. Dehqani-Tafti Price: $5.00 |
This book is an attempt to explain the reasonableness of Faith in God in today's world, and to interpret the essentials of Christianity to Iranians with the help of the Bible and Persian poets. The contents of this book are the sermons of the author in years of ministry in Iranian churches. They include personal experiences, writings of Pastor Stephen Neal, and most of it are the works of Dr. Greg, pastor and one of the prominent author of Britain. |
Together) (Text in Persian) By: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Translated by: Eisa Dibaj Price: $3.00 |
A Book about fellowship and spending time with
other believers and spending time alone with God.
The chapters consist of: Fellowship, Fellowhsip with others, Getting alone with God, Ministry and Communion |
Eisaa Che
Migoyad (What Does Jesus Say ) (Text in Persian) By: Robert Boyd Manger Light Of The World Publications, 1998 Price: $4.00 |
This is a 15 chapter book that explains the sayings of Jesus. The Chapters are all about what Jesus has said about the following typical subjects: Himself, Us, Goodness, Evil, The most important thing in the world, His Plan for the world, Faith, Worship, Family, Life, Change and transformation and ... |
The Great Power of Prayer
(Ghodrat-e Aazim-e Doaa) (Text in Persian) By: Sammy Tippit Translated by: Michele AghaMalian Sammy Tippit Ministries Price: $5.00 |
This is a book about prayer and its contents are a wealth of information about Why we should pray, The methods of prayer and the last chapter talks about prayer and spiritual revival. With an introduction from Dr. Joseph, M. Stoval, The principle of Moody Bible School |
The Man
God Uses (Text in Persian) By: Oswald J. Smith Translated by: T. Mikaelian Price: $4.00 |
This book was translated years back by one
of the leading pastors in Iran who later on became a martyr for his faith
in Jesus. This 19 chapters book, details what a Christian should do to
stay as close as possible to God and remain in His presence. Typical
In the
Presence of God (Text in Persian) By: Andrew Murray Translated by: Robert Asyrrian Price: $4.00 |
If you ever wanted to know about the
"holiness" and how Old Testament explains it, this book is just talks
about that. These are some of the questions that are answered in details
in this book:
Living Psalms (Naghmehay-e-javidaan) (Text in Persian) Tranlsated by: Maasom-ali Khoosravi & Joel Slaughter 1972 by Living Bibles International Reprinted in 1990 By Iranian Christians International Inc. Price $2.00 |
This is a portion of the Living Bible, written by Kenneth Taylor. There are selections of Book of Pslams, with subject reference. The main subjects of Book of Psalms are worship, praise and prayer. Worship is the main topic of the book. The Living Psalms is a book for needy, ill, the spiritual-hungry and whoever finds himself in the adversity of life. |
Farsi-English New Testament (Text in Farsi & English side-by-side) Voice Of Martyrs ISBN 0-88264-330-4(casebound Black) ISBN 0-88264-332-4(casebound Burgandy) Price $6.50 |
This is the New Testament portion of the Farsi Contemporary Bible. Each page is divide in two columns(Farsi and English) for easy reference. The book is also has the subject headings to easily referring to the requested items. The word "New Testament" refers to Jesus and His Works. When Jesus entered the world, God made a New convenant with mankind. He sealed this covenant with death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus. From then on, man can find eternal fellowship and life with God by believing His Son. |
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