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Faith and Hope Persian Library and Publishing
(A Non-Profit Organization devoted to Promoting and Publishing Persian Christian Literature)

کتابخانه و انتشارات ایمان و امید

کتابخانه و انتشارات ايمان و اميد



کتابخانه و انتشارات ايمان واميد يک سازمان مسيحي غير انتفاعي است که به جهت گسترش و انتشار کتب و ادبيات مسيحي

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The Effects of Praise, Natayeje Setayesh, A New Persian Christian Book from Faith & Hope Library and Publishing,
The Effects of Praise book by Andrew Wommack, Translated to Persian By Amir Adibyazdi, Impact of Praising God in your Life,
The Extraordinary Power of Praising Life, Why you should Worship and Praise God, A farsi Christian Book on Worship and Praise of God, A Praise Book for Iranian Christians, A Farsi Book by Andrew Wommack
The Effects of Praise
Living in the balance of Grace and Faith by Andrew Wommack, Translated by A. Shah Nazarian for Faith & Hope Library and Publishing at, Taadol Bayne Faiz va Iman, Persian Christian Book from Faith & Hope Publishing
Grace & Faith
The Power of a Praying Church by Stormie OMartian, Translated by Pastor David Thomas & Pastor Amir Adibyazdi for Faith & Hope Library and Publishing at, Ghodrateh Kelisayee Keh Do'aa Meekonad, Persian Christian Book from Faith & Hope Publishing
The Power of a Praying Church
Harnessing Your Emotions, Godly View of Emotions and How to overcome your Emotions and Temptations, A new Persian Book by Faith & Hope Library & Publishers
Harnessing Your Emotions
Get Ready by Dr. Wilson Lazar, Be Prepared by knowing the Truth which will set you FREE , A new Persian Book by Faith & Hope Library & Publishers
Get Ready - Be Prepared
The School of Obedience by Andrew Murray, Maktabe Etaat, A new Persian Book by Faith & Hope Library & Publishers
The School of Obedience
Today's Persian Version New testament, Third Reprint 1981, Tehran Iran by the Bible Society of Iran
Injil Sharif: Todays' Persian Version
Is Any Among You Sick? The Dynamics of a Healing Ministry, A new Persian Book by Faith & Hope Library & Publishers
Is Any Sick Among You?
The Power of A Praying Wife in Farsi - A new Book Translated to Persian by Faith and Hope Publishing
The Power of a Praying Wife
A Review of Christian Denominations in Farsi - An Analysis of Christian Cults and Heresies
Christian Denominations and Cults
An analysis of Book of Revelation in Farsi - A commentary on the Prophetic Book of Revelation in Persian
Commentary on The Book of Revelation
The Power of A Praying Wife in Farsi - A new Book Translated to Persian by Faith and Hope Publishing
Catalog of Persian Literature

Faith and Hope Persian Christian Library and Publishing

The Power of a Praying Church
A Book by Faith & Hope Publishing in Persian

Power of Praying Church Book Cover, Practical help on having a successful and Spirit Filled Church with Effective and Empowered Prayer Ministry, A Persian Book by Faith and Hope Publishing - Click here to go to next page

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P.O. Box 14111
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74159 USA
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Who is Jesus? - A life changing question. - To learn about Jesus, check the list of scripture and books in our Catalog.
If you would like to publish your research and writings (in Persian) about Jesus and Christianity, please contact us.
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Books by Faith & Hope Publishing: Balance of Grace & Faith (تعادل بين فيض و ايمان), Effects of Praise, Harnessing Your Emotions, Get Ready!, School of Obedience, Is Any Sick Among You?, Injil Sharif, Power of A Praying Wife, Power of A Praying Church, Christian Denominations, Commentary on the book of Revelation, Catalog (Farsi) Faith & Hope Pub;ishing Catalog in Persian, How To Order Go to Faith & Hope Library and Publishing Main Page

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A Persian Book by Fariborz Nikooravesh - Apostle John's Love Letters
Shohar-Khaleh: Foreign Husbands of Iranian Women
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