Body tags BACKGROUND="URL" Sets the background of the page to a specified picture. Not all browsers allow backgrounds. HTML 3.0 tag. BGCOLOR="color" Sets the background to an RGB color, normally gray. "color" is #rrggbb, where rr the red component in hex, gg the green and bb the blue. "color" may also be some usual color, like "red" or "black". TEXT="color" Sets the standard color of the text, normally black. LINK="color" Sets the color of the unvisited links, normally blue. VLINK="color" Sets the color of the visited links, normally magneta. ALINK="color" Sets the color of the links in the moment the user clicks on them, normally red. must end with Head tag Starts the page. Must end with text Use it inside the tag. (Can be outside, but it's not recomended.) "text" the title of the page. In Netscape 1.1N (no other browsers, no other versions of Netscape) can you animate the title by inserting more than one TITLE tag. Other tags Starts and ends the HTML document. Must end with Sets the standard URL for files used in the page. Make it possible to set a pictures path to just the name, if it is in the BASE HREF folder. Tells the browser to reload the page every nth second. Not all browsers support this tag. Must be in the first line of the document to work. You can load different pages by specify different URL's. Links text or picture URL is the path to the linked file, e.g. a page, picture or a sound. #chapter is a specified part of a linked page. To link to an email address, use HREF=mailto:email where email is the address. TARGET is a Netscape HTML extension, not supported by all browsers, which opens the link in a new document named "text". text or picture Defines a new chapter on a page. "text" will not show up for the user and can be anything at all. Noembed is a Netscape tag. Links within this tag is displayed within the WWW page, via a plug-in. If the user has another browser, the link will be displayed as usual. Examples of this plug-in links can be Quicktime films. Must end with The linked text will show up in a different color, usually blue (or magneta if the user has visited the linked site) You can change the color with the BODY command, see the chapters menu. Pictures will have a blue or magneta border, usually 1 dot width. You can change the width, or remove the entire border, with the IMG tag, see the "Pictures" chapter. Lists There are three different list styles. All of them can include new lists. unordered list 2. ordered list definition list text, text, text Unordered list
  • Stands for 'list insert'. Starts a new line. Use it inside a