<H1>Sample Questionaire</H1> <P>Please fill out this questionaire: <FORM METHOD=post ACTION="http://www.ibmoto.com/projects/mach5/ver/"> <P>Your name: <input name="name" size="48"> <P><input name="male" type=radio> Male <input name="female" type=radio>Female <P>Number in family: <input name="family" type=int> <P>Cities in which you maintain a residence: <UL PLAIN> <LI><input name="city" type=checkbox value="austin"> Austin <LI><input name="city" type=checkbox value="sandiego"> San Diego <LI>Others <textarea name="other" cols=48 rows=2></textarea> </UL> <P>Nickname: <INPUT NAME="nickname" size ="42"> <P>Thank you for responding to this questionaire. <P><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Send the Completed Questionar"> <INPUT TYPE=RESET VALUE="No! Don't Send - Start Over (i.e. Clear)"> </FORM>
Please fill out this questionaire: