If you are interested in responding to any of the following "Help Wanted" Items just sent a note to helpwanted@farsinet.com and include the help wanted item# (HI#) and description (in case we loose our IDL - Items Description List) and we'll take care of the rest. We (the FarsiNet Web Team) will make sure the OWNer of the HelpWanted Item gets your note and we make sure they give you a response, or else we'll remove their item (Sometimes we call them LI - Listed Item(s)) and the next time they call or send an email, we'll just ignore them and pretend we are busy. But our "black list" is very very short and short in memory as well and we are, just like you are, very busy doing stuff and we may not have time to get to know each other or become possibly good friends - so is the techy life they say - enjoy your surf and then if you like to check out something a bit different, surf FarsiNet, Go Ahead, we dare you, We double dare you,... and if the daring business didn't work we then merely "Suggest", Would you pretty please just come and take a look, at least take a look at our FarsiNet Clients and Hosted WebPages. Thank you so very much - FarsiNet Team.
A young Internet Publishing company needs help with HTML, CGI, Graphics, Perl and Java.
Virtual Programming and Graphics Design is a possibilty in case you don't live in Austin Texas.
Although not a non-profit company but at the present stage of growth we are acting and budgeted
like one. - Our HI# is 0112101996, our name is FarsiNet
A young Internet Publishing company needs help with graphics design and image processing.
The position is need-based and on a contract basis. We would like to redesign & jazz-up all
of our logos and design custom backgrounds. If interested please send us your resume and
sample work. Our HI# is 0122301996, our name is FarsiNet