Iranian Persian Student Associations and Organizations (ISAO)

Iranian Persian Kursteilnehmerverbindungen und Organisationen (ISAO)

Associations d'étudiants d'Iranian/Persian et organismes (ISAO)

The Power of a Praying Church by Stormie OMartian Translated to Persian (Farsi) from English by Pastor David Thomas and Pastor Amir Adib-Yazdi for Faith & Hope Library and Publishing at FarsiNet
Iranian Praise & Worship Music by Sarah at FarsiNet, Farsi Gospel Music by Sarah, Glibert Hovsepian, Rev. Jalil Sepehr, Felix Amirian, Qader Eshpari, Farsi Christian Music by Sarah of the Iranian Church of California

20 Years of FarsiNet
Noruz 2555 (1996) to Noruz 2575 (2016)
A privilege to be an ambassador of God's Love & Grace for Iranians
Christ is Born Tonight Christmas Persian Poetry by Vaziri at FarsiNet, Masih Tavallod Yaft Farsi Poetry by Bozorgmehr Vaziri on the Birth of Jesus, Iranian Christian Poetry

Authenticity and the Origin of Gospel of Barnabas in Persian (Free Farsi Literature, Free Persian Book) & English انجیل برنابا
What is NowRuz? How can one fully understand NowRooz? What is the True Meaning of NoRuz? A Persian Essay by Dr. Bozrog-Mehr Vaziri, Free Farsi Book on history of NowRuz and Persian New year in Iran